By Ads with me on 17:39

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Young adults in Australia are increasingly getting nostalgic and pining for simpler times, as they have got sick of Internet and partying.

A study of young adult culture has revealed that the 16-30 year olds have had enough of chatting with friends since a year ago, and now they want to spend more face-to-face time with loved ones.

And they increasingly prefer to do that at home rather than going out to noisy, potentially dangerous pubs and nightclubs.

The annual Urban Market Research survey compiled by youth marketing agency Lifelounge, was conducted on 1600 young adults.

It was found that those still living with their parents (about half) had noticed the global financial crisis’s impact on the family, and pared back their lifestyle in response.

The survey also showed that the youngsters were no longer intrigued by technology, as the time spent online had gone down 30 minutes a week from last year, while their consumption of newspapers increased by the same amount.

Facebook and Twitter are also still on the rise, but losing some of their cachet.

"Nostalgia and simplicity ... (are) influencing the styles they’re adopting, the products they’re purchasing and their entertainment choices," The Australian quoted Lifelounge chief executive Dion Appel as saying.


"Parents’ vinyl records are suddenly interesting and vintage clothes are de rigueur.

"And they want more connections with their friends that aren’t digital, that are tangible. They’re starting to question the authenticity of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

"They want technology to assist rather than dominate the way they communicate," added Appel.

The study found that overall spending on music, entertainment, travel, fashion, and sport was down more than 5 billion dollars in the year to March, from 47.5bn dollars to 42.4bn dollars.

It also found declines in time spent on the Internet (down almost half an hour from last year to 8.6 hours a week) and free-to-air television viewing, down 1.3hours to 4.4hours a week.

However, young adults average another five hours a week watching DVDs and four hours on pay-TV.

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